Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

There Should Be A Warning Label With This Trip To Israel.

We sat in the spot where Peter would have given the sermon in Acts 2 where over 3000 people were baptized in one day. 

Peter had knowledge of the Scripture from the time he was a boy, he had the relationship with Jesus as he followed Him as his Rabbi for 3 1/2 year, and He was equipped by God with the power of the Holy Spirit.  He delivered this message he knew so well about Jesus who he loved so dearly, with power from God, in a place with over 30 mikvahs (baptismal pools) right on sight.
 It all came together in that moment, and he shared what he knew and experience he had, who talked about who he loved, all in the power of the Holy Spirit.
 The people were cut to the heart.... they asked what shall we do?
 Peter told them to repent and be baptized. 
3000 people received the word and were baptized that day.

This is what Peter did with the gift and knowledge and experience he was given.

 I feel like this trip has been such a gift and should have come with a serious 
warning label!!
The warning label should say:  Once you 
GO you won't be the same, and you can't keep it to yourself.

 I feel compelled and responsible to share this gift.

This day and this place are very representative of our faith in Jesus.  
We have been given the Scriptures to learn, and the opportunity to follow Jesus and enjoy a relationship with Him.  We are promised power when all those things come together; we repent (turn from our way to His way) and are baptized (washed clean and made new) in the name of Jesus Christ. 
 We are given the gift of the Holy Spirit (power) to share that gift. 
Where is the place that it will all come together and what will we do with the gift given to us? It wasn’t a matter of “work” or duty for Peter, he was compelled and equipped with knowledge and power to share

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