Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Israeli Friends Forever!

This has been a crazy year of transition for our family. Charlie is still in Oregon, working most of the time and me and the kids are in Billings, MT. We have only met a few people outside of family, here in Billings. This trip has been an awesome way to meet and connect with some treasures that we feel bonded to and blessed to know. It was as if God hand picked each person for this trip. It was a beautiful variety of ages and walks of life. Every single person has their own story and for 12 days our stories all came together in a very unique and special way. God loves His children and He loves to see them love one another and that is exactly what we did. As we were leaving the airport, there were a lot of teary good-byes and lots of hugging. It felt like when I was a kid and I would leave Church camp. You feel like you just had a life-changing experience and you will be forever bonded to the people that shared in that experience. I’m happy to be home with all my peeps and I’m thankful for the people and the experience we shared together.

 I wish I had a picture with everyone!!! I love them all!!

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