Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Jesus Confronts Our Fears and Our Rules. Lessons From A Jewish Teacher

Jesus always confronts our fears and our rules. He is interested in our hearts, not our performance. A heart that loves God is a life that lives for Him. Jesus often went to the dangerous places that people feared, and he touched the unclean people that were avoided, and he did it in lawbreaking times. When God gave the law, it was given to guide us to love, trust and to live our lives for Him; it became about trusting and following the law rather than trusting and following the law-giver. Why do we like law so much better than LOVE? Why do we like performance better than relationship? Why do we trust letters on stone more than a love letter written on hearts? What if we fought for love as passionately as we fight for laws? God’s love has no boundaries, no laws and no fear to rule over Him. Jesus was the human embodiment of God on earth to show us WHO LOVE IS, and where He goes, what He does, and when He does it. May love rule our hearts that we may go without fear to all the places,
people, and times that God calls us.... HERE I AM LORD.

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