Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

One Country - One Heart *Lessons In Israel From a Jewish Teacher*

God is so much bigger and greater than I ever knew. I can’t wrap my mind around one piece of who He is. I feel like I got a glimpse, a flash, that showed me something I never saw before and as quick as I saw it the lights went out again, it was too much to handle all at once so I will spend a long time just remembering and trying to make sense of what I saw in the flash. I’m in complete awe of God and I feel so small. I have seen a little more of who He is, and the only thing I know for sure is He is so much bigger and I’m so much smaller. I also see how God does so much with so little. Isreal is tiny and yet everything we have read about since the beginning of time happened right there in that tiny, but vital, part of the world. Life changing, world-changing, eternity-changing things happened right in that little amazing piece of land and sea. It blows my mind the closeness of the wilderness to the promise land, The Dead Sea (lowest place on earth) to The Temple Mount (the Highest Place, in Biblical terms.)
Maybe Israel and all that has happened throughout history shows the heart of God, and maybe Isreal is like the heart of the world, and maybe God can take a small country or heart and do big things and change the world and eternity with one country or one heart that is all His!

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