Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentines!

 This is my man, my Bofriend!! 

 My man that just gets better the older he gets. 

 Now that he is a Grumpa he is even better than ever.

  There is nothing finer than a silver haired cowboy holding a baby. 

 Well, that's my man....he had me at hello, or maybe it was goodbye...because as you know, he has the sexiest wrangler butt I have ever seen.  

We are not romantic AT ALL, but we are definitely in LOVE.  
 He asked me 24 years ago today to marry him.  Of course since I was a senior in high school....we kept it quiet until he asked my dad the week AFTER I graduated.  

Since it is Valentines...I must also mention my dad.  He is the big guy right in the middle.  He has always always always spoiled his girls on Valentines. 
 My dad is a sucker for pretty girls and he has always thought his girls were pretty. 
 He would hardly let us out of the house without our


  To this very day...when I leave the house I can hear him reminding me..."Where is your lipstick and earrings".  My dad has always treated his girls well, and on Valentines he always gives us something cute to sleep in.  All us girls, his 4 daughters and his wife, always get matching jammies.
 (I think he wants us looking cute when we sleep because he is secretly hoping for more grandkids).  Hahahahaha!!!!  


marlece said...

bahhhhhhaaaaaaaa!!!!! That is so stinkin' funny I am going to repost this on my blog...oh and yes he had you and 'turn around, look back and say goodbyeeeee!' Dang this is funny!

Shauna said...

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhtttttttttt!!! Good job sis - now we're getting parkas next year!!!!! hahaha

Love the "maybe it was the good bye"… part. Wrangler butts drive us all nuts! ;)

Tawnya said...

Thanks Jenay this is the only new underwear I get ALL year. That just came to a screeeeeeeaaaaacccccchhhhhhhing halt!!! Lol. However that's pretty dang funny!