Here is the TEAM!!!! They are such a fun bunch. Charlie is on the far left. He is an amazing man that happens to be my husband, he LOVES the Lord passionately, He loves Africa, and he loves Esther. He is so excited for this trip and all that is holds. When I see how much Charlie loves Africa and the way it has changed his life, I know that this is what the Lord purposed for him even before he was born. He just lights up over there. He is excited to go and see all kids, to see all his friends over there and BRING OUR ESTHER HOME TO HER FOREVER FAMILY!!! Charlie is EXTRA blessed on this trip with 2 of his children joining the TEAM and then 3 of his children coming home with him.
Kole is the one in the middle. He is our 16 yr. old son. He is just the best teenager EVER. Kole is fun, Kole is focused, Kole has a heart for the Lord and when we presented the opportunity to go....HE JUMPED AT THE CHANCE. I don't know of a lot of teenage boys that would give up their Spring Break, their hard earned money, and go and serve orphans in a 3rd world country...WITH JOY!!!
Lashae is in the middle next to Kole. This is our oldest daughter, she has been walking on clouds since she found out she gets to go back to Uganda. She has a LOVE for that country and especially the children at Redeemer House. Lashae has had it in her heart to be a missionary for several years now, and I know God has placed
her right where He wants her, and she is just glowing! She will be ready to go back the second she gets home. I appreciate her so much, she is an awesome big sister to all her siblings and now she is traveling clear to Uganda to be an awesome big sister yet again, and bring her sister home.
This is a team of prayer!! They know they can do NOTHING without the Lord, and they are drawing on Him for each step of this trip. Sunday, we had a packing day and praying day with the team, and brought a few extra friends and families to join. It was fun, and this team knows how to get stuff DONE too, we had a living room full of donations that were strewn from here to yonder and they needed to be sorted, packed and weighed and they all jumped in and GOT 'ER DONE. I can't wait to see how they do in Uganda, I can guarantee there will be some stuff that gets accomplished, with prayer, and their enthusiasm and hard work.....!!!
yes indeed, very exciting, can't wait to hear all about it! And to get that baby girl HOME!
Love Love Love!!!! I have soooo many questions. Call if you get a chance!
This has been an awesome experience...we're so blessed to be a part of it with God & you guys!
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