Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Sweet Goodbyes.

I have always hated good-byes.  It feels sad and lonely.  The thing that God did for me when we moved, was for about 3 days leading up to our departure, it was a constant flow of good-byes.
  It was a sweet time. 
  Saying goodbye makes you hug a little tighter and say the things you have been holding in because you will see that person next time.  The thing about a big move is, most of us will see each other again, we just aren't sure when, so you make the most of the last visit.  You get real intentional about stopping and connecting with people on a deeper level. 
 I hugged and got hugged tighter, got prayed for more, cried a little easier, laughed a little louder, and said and heard I LOVE YOU with every goodbye.
 It was said so we could hear it, not just a feeling or a thought but we had to make sure we felt it and heard it. 
 People don't want to part ways without saying good-bye.

May we live with the intention that saying goodbye brings.; making sure everything that needs to be communicated, is clearly communicated.

Now I live near my Grands and see them almost every day, and if you don't walk them to their car with a proper goodbye, which includes a kiss and hugs and saying I LOVE YOU - they will insist on not leaving, to the point that their very pregnant mom will get her body out from under the steering wheel to come back in, and get me to say goodbye to their hearts satisfaction.  

I love this routine!  Saying goodbye is my new favorite thing. 

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