Our little African treasure is 10!!!!

We are soooo blessed to have this girl home with her family for her 10th birthday. Esther is a very special young lady and we were in love with her before some of us had even met her and now that we have had her home for 2 months we are even crazier about her.
We are soooo blessed to have this girl home with her family for her 10th birthday. Esther is a very special young lady and we were in love with her before some of us had even met her and now that we have had her home for 2 months we are even crazier about her.
We are sad for the years we have not had her around, we have missed 9 years of her precious life, but we are glad that God has allowed us to be her family now. We are also thankful to Redeemer House Orphanage for being obedient to the Lord and looking after orphans because our girl was taken care of very well by each person there, and loved on and provided for and she learned about Jesus, and got to go to school. We are glad that the Lord has opened our eyes to adoption and that we took the leap of faith, because I can not imagine my life without this daughter. She is teaching us WAY more than we will ever teach her, but I believe that of all of my kids. She just has 10 years of stored up things to teach me, and I'm taking it all in as fast as I can. She is patient and loving and deep. This girl LOVES deeply...she loves the Lord, and she loves her family and she loves her friends. Esther is a prayer warrior. She also has a great funny bone, because she loves to laugh and she loves to joke! Esther is bright and kind and helpful, and joyful. She has not had an easy life, and yet, she does NOT let it get her down, it makes her who she is and she is compassionate and strong and her faith is huge, and Jesus is her everything.
Esther has become quite a little cowgirl. She "feared" horses when she got here and now she asks to ride. She has adapted so well to our family, and to our lifestyle, but she has NOT lost who she is....she has just added to her resume.....and her wardrobe...she still prefers to wear skirts, but has found it doesn't work too well in the cold and in the cowboy world so she can dress like a African darling and a rodeo star all in the same week.
Here she is at a rodeo, just enjoying her family and friends. What a blessing and a joy to get to raise this girl!!!
Thank you Jesus for bringing her home to us and for opening our hearts and our eyes just a bit more.
We sure love her...no words to describe my level of amazement at her heart, her transition, and her spirit. Happy birthday, honey!
Way to go Esther, I love that you were celebrated today.....well deserved!"
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