Mother's Day is my all time favorite this year because I am in EVERY stage of motherhood I think there is....
I have 3 that is getting married in July, and so I am getting to learn what it means to be a mother of the bride. This girl is a pretty easy bride too, she is just so in love and happy that she's pretty content and happy and excited with everything... so I will also get to be a Mother-in-law SOON!!! I can hardly wait! I have the best soon to be son-in-law in the world and so I'm excited to take this title on.
One of my teens is a teen boy....that says a lot about what goes on with the mothering to this child right there! COOKING, COOKING, and more COOKING. But, man when I get a hug or a "thank you mommy" , or "I love you mommy" (which is how he says it...just to melt my heart on's usually because he wants something, and I don't even works every time.)
One of my teens is a 13 yr old girl...enough said! She is actually the biggest joy and help to me. I love this girl...She parents me more than I parent her, and I think she's better at it...NOT KIDDING!

Then I have a son who is in grade school and trying to figure out which sport is his most of course, we are at the stage of doing them all before you can narrow it down...He is a fun, energetic boy...he gets excited about it all!
I have a newly adopted daughter who is grade school age. What a gift God has brought to me to get to mother a child that I did not carry in my womb and came to me already "potty trained"!!! Among a million other reasons this has been such a blessing to me as a mother. I'm learning SO MUCH!!
Then there's Reece...I'm mothering a TODDLER...and this kid has me rolling at all times...he either has me laughing my head clean off, or rolling around in frustration. He has me rollin' one way or the other. He is a FIREBALL!!!
I couldn't resist using this picture....this is when he is frustrating. haha..
And this is how delightful he can the same 5 minutes.
This is why he keeps me rollin'!

And....of course....I'm, once again, being reminded how to mother a child in the womb....which means when your head is in the remind yourself ...this child is a BLESSING...
So, to sum it up in short....I am the.....
mother of the bride
mother of man child...teen boy
mother of teen younger mother
mother of grade school super athlete
mother of adopted Ugandan treasure
mother of a toddler (fireball)
expectant mother!
See why I love this just don't get to be all these things at once usually. God has an amazing sense of humor and He does give the BEST GIFTS and each child is a GIFT STRAIGHT FROM GOD!!!
1 comment:
AWESOME tribute to an amazing group of kids who have the privledge to call you MOM. I love sharing our mothering are an amazing one, and always learning something from you especially on those ones that have a few years on mine. Love to parent together in sisterhood. Happy Mother's DAY!
Oh, love the picture of Reece, you knew I would.
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