I've been waiting to do this Memorial Box Monday post for awhile, and I just couldn't wait to do it anymore...so it's going to be on a Tuesday. Memorial Box Monday, is a way of reminding us of things God has done for us. Sometimes it's big huge things and sometimes, it's just a simple sweet reminder that He loves us and He cares about us.
So this post is about a wedding dress.................
Lashae went shopping locally for a wedding dress, and she found the one she wants....it is perfect for her, but it was out of our price range; we have plenty of options and she is not hard to please, but she just knew that this one was her favorite and her dream dress, but she had no problem realizing that we needed to keep looking and find something more our price range...it was exactly 2 times what we were willing to pay.
A couple of weeks after we had shopped, Lashae had gone to Montana to be with Chaney and to celebrate his graduation from college....(yes we are soooo proud).... and we had decided when she got home we would just take a trip to Portland where they have many Bridal shops and find her a beautiful dress.
I was laying in bed one morning while she was in Montana, and watching Charlie get ready to head out the door for work and he just looked like he had the weight of the world on this back that morning, and I just whispered a very simple prayer to God, and asked that He help us pay for this wedding. I just simply asked that He showed us the way, and reminded Him that we just needed His help with everything.
That same morning just a couple of hours later I got a call from Lashae, so it was only a few hours after I had breathed a simple quiet prayer, and she sounded upset and like she was crying or stunned....I said, "What is the matter?"....She says, "I just got a call, mom, and the wedding dress shop that has my favorite dress just called me, and some anonymous donor just donated a large amount of money towards that dress, which would leave us the exact amount we said we could pay for a dress!" Whoa.....are you kidding me....so the dress shop owner called the manufacturer and there is one dress left in that style and it is Lashae's size!!!

I was wondering who would do such a thing....we really hadn't even told many people....and I was talking to a girlfriend, and told her what had happened and she said, "God did such a thing." It snapped me right out of it....I know that God didn't drop that money out of the sky into the wedding dress shop, but He layed it on someone's heart to do something so generous and sweet and they did it, and we are BLESSED because of it.

I was thanking the Lord and saying....but there are people who need food, there are people who have much bigger needs than a wedding dress Lord, why would you do such a thing...and He spoke to my heart and He reminded me how much He loves us, how much He loves Lashae, how proud He is to be her heavenly Father and that HE IS GOOD and that HE GIVES THE BEST GIFTS!! I know He did it because He is GOOD!!! Because He loves Lashae, because I whispered a simple prayer, and He cares He hears and He answers....He is a huge God and He cares about each and every detail of our lives, and sometimes....He just likes to suprise us with a big 'ole fun gift that makes us smile from ear to ear and give Him PRAISE AND GLORY for EVERYTHING....everything from wedding dresses to finding famililes for orphans.....He is a GOOD and GLORIOUS God and He loves to treat His children to surprises and gifts of all shapes and sizes!!!
God cares so much for every detail of our life!
He is good, He gives good gifts...He knows our hearts desire...I love that He blessed, I love that someone was obedient to answer a call from the Lord. The Lord will bless that person just as He has blessed Lashae. He is amazing!
Love this story...God is good! And I can't WAIT to see this beautiful, heaven-sent dress on the sweetest bride-to-be I know!
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