Today was a VERY exciting day for many in the Brewer household....

(Lashae got this shirt for Chaney in is soooo cool looking on him, and he is such a cool guy for wearing it for some pictures!!!! )
Lashae's first day of work!!!
Whoop whoop!!!
She finally got to get her pink lunch pail and thermos all packed and ready...this was a gift that Charlie gave her for her 18th birthday, and we were beginning to wonder if it would EVER get used. haha...we have teased her and teased her, but the truth of the matter is.....we could not have done the things we have done in the last couple of months if it wasn't for this girl being willing to stay home and help while we went to Africa, and then she went to Africa to help bring Esther she has not been idle...just not earning a living in the monetary sense.....
Reece seeing Shae Shae off for her first day!!!
Then today was Esther's first day of school!!! Every kid in America could learn something from this kid....she is so excited to go to school and she simply could not wait. In her culture it is a "privilege" to go to school, and when they get to go, they take it very seriously and enjoy it, and take pride in the fact that they get to go. Luke and her are in the same class, and same grade...that should make for some good stories!!!
Luke and Esther seeing who's backpack is the heaviest....
Then Kole was celebrating his 2 year anniversary of dating fun for them. Here is a few pictures of them attending prom a few weeks ago. They have a very fun group of kids they had dinner with at Grandma H's house.. and then off to the prom.
Love all these kids so much. Thanks for sharing!
yah!!!!! I love it all! That Brewer fam just keeps truckin' along....I love it ALL!
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