Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

70 Looks Amazing!

 Happy Birthday, Meme! 
 If this is what 70 looks like, I'm pretty pumped to get there.

 God blessed our family with the best Mom, and Meme, and Meme Grape in one beautiful package.

 Us sisters have chatted and texted for months about how to properly celebrate this day and make our mom feel just a sliver of the honor she deserves on her special day.  As it turned out, I got the privilege of having my mom here with us for the week of her birthday.
 I know there is much more celebrating to come, but I had the honor of getting the party started.

My dad couldn't make the trip, but he sent Mom off with a blessing; and in his very Papa way, he stayed involved and in touch and in communication the whole time. 
 It brought him so much joy and healing to see that mom was doing so well.

Maubry was shedding some tears at the party, and once we all settled down long enough to notice, we asked what the problem was.....she was very sad because Maezie was "BRAGGING" about getting a picture alone with Meme.  
That pretty much describes this woman best...the kids fight over her and brag about their connection and time with her.  So of course, Meme and Maubry had a special photo session and all was right in the world of Meme's Grands and Greats.
Lashae had told Chaney when they first got married that she wanted to spend Meme's 70th birthday with her, and here we are, and God gave Lashae a beautiful set of twin Great Grand gifts to ensure Meme's travel to Montana to celebrate her 70th and meet her latest little treasures.

God's timing and attention to the desires of our hearts,  His patience, and His love and faithfulness, His amazing blessings and gifts to His children, before they are born and for 70 years and counting are all represented in this life story and in this picture. 

Reece and Maezie insisted on getting up at 4:45am to help me take Meme to the airport to head back to her home in Texas.  When we got home from dropping her off, I told them they needed to go back to bed to get some more sleep.  They asked if they could sleep in Meme's bed so they could still smell her, before her smell goes away.  Reece and Maezie and Cellie are all curled up sleeping soundly in the bed Meme slept in while she was here, just breathing her in as long as they can.

Proverbs 31:28-29

Her children stand and bless her.

    Her husband praises her:
“There are many virtuous and capable women in the world,
    but you surpass them all!”

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