Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Marvel To Murder In One Conversation - Lessons from Our Jewish Teacher

Charlie read Scripture, Luke 4:16-30, as we stood on the brow of this hill and looked over the Jezreel Valley. It’s a short walk from this hill to Nazareth, the town where Jesus grew up. We talked about the people of Nazareth and how they had heard of the things Jesus had done, the miracles he had performed and they knew him from the time he was a boy. Jesus came (home) to Nazareth to read Scripture in his local synagogue, and when he read, the people could feel the importance of what they had heard and witnessed, they marveled at His words, it was a holy moment and they could all feel it. The people spoke well of him. Somehow the good feeling and conversation quickly turned from marvel and speaking well of Jesus to familiarity and disappointment. The people knew Jesus; they liked his fame and his reputation until he didn’t do what they expected him to do for them. It quickly turned from a beautiful moment where the people marveled at his gracious words to drive him to the edge of town, to a cliff where they wanted to throw him down. How in the world did they turn from marvel to murder in one conversation? Familiarity and expectation are killers!!! The minute we get familiar and take listening and learning from Scripture lightly, turning holy moments into an expectation of performance, we are bored and disappointed. Help us Jesus to marvel at your Word, help us to always speak well of you. Draw us close to know You and experience your holiness, keep us from the familiar expectations.

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