Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Jesus Heals The Unclean

Jesus' healings were often done as he was traveling to  “unclean” places reaching out and touching the “unclean”. The “unclean” places and people in that time and culture were the places and people that were the outcast, feared, hidden, avoided. 
People did not want to go to these unclean places or to touch these unclean people. 
These unclean places and unclean people is where Jesus went, and who Jesus touched to bring miracles and healing. 

What and where and who are we afraid of? 
What is “unclean” (fears) in us? 
Jesus purposes to GO to the places we fear the most, touch the parts that are holding us back; the places and parts of us that are causing us to be “unclean” (afraid) and bring us out of hiding and heal us and change us.
 May we be the one that will be healed and changed right where we are, that we may share our personal space in 
 and be a part of the change in many.

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