Happy Birthday to my man!
He has always been a handful and now he is a handful times 2.
55 years.
5 stands for grace, so 55 must mean double the grace!
We are all about doubling up these days.
Charlie has always been a father and husband that is willing to work hard and sacrifice for his family, and this year has been no exception.
As I watch most guys his age start to slow down and take up some serious hobbies I watch my man just ramping up to a whole new level of work and sacrifice.
My man's knee-jerk reaction to most things is often, NO, because he knows what another commitment, another yes, means for him, but then he quickly follows up the NO with,
"I can't ever say no, if it's God's plan"
and then it is a
When my man says yes, he means it. He will see it thru. He will be all in.
He has learned to rely on God's Word and direction and His provision for our family.
One of the big provisions God has given to us is that Charlie can work harder than anyone I've ever known, he can carry a heavy load and he can take a lot of heat.
I have watched this man support this family and work thru some pretty hard stuff and now he has left in Oregon, away from all of us, and providing and supporting and encouraging and spending every spare moment and dime to make the effort to be with us.
Charlie loves on all people everywhere he goes!
We spent this last weekend enjoying some time with friends in Coeur D' Alene!

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