Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Dear Sister,

For those of you who don't know.  My youngest sister and her hubby and 6 kids...soon to be 7, are moving to Uganda for a few months. ( If you want to read about them, they have a blog and you can click HERE to read.)  After their time in Uganda, they are then, .not coming back to their home...they have sold most everything and are following the call on their lives and going to move to Southern California and get a new job, and go to Bible school and from there............GO wherever God leads them next.

Dear Sister,

I can't imagine how hard this is for you.  As I sit here in my comfy living room on my comfy couch with everything familiar and *normal* around me.....I think this move is hard on ME.  :)

I have watched you and Justin make BOLD and WILD decisions to follow God.  I have watched in AWE as God has orchestrated all the details, and made it all come together.   I have watched you wait on the Lord and then GO when He leads.  I have watched as you have let go of the things of this world and the securities of this life and walk by faith into the unknown to follow Jesus.

I worry at times, when my focus gets blurred and I think of the RISK and the UNKNOWNS.  And then I pray for you, and  Jesus always changes my perspective, He brings my attention back to Him. And then when I am looking to HIM and I see what you are doing because of your love for HIM and it brings me to my feet, and I begin to stand and cheer and chant, "GO GO GO GO!!!"

When I have my eyes on Jesus and the words that HE spoke in His Word, I remember that HE is in charge and He has called us all to look to HIM for our daily bread and that HE did not call us to a comfy secure life in this fallen world.  I remember that you have surrendered your life totally and completely to Him. I remember that this life is not your own and my life is not my own.  It is HIS and it is all about HIM.  I remember to trust a SAVIOR that gave up His very life for me and you and remember that we get this life...ONE CHANCE to LIVE for HIM.  When I remember all that, I can't wait to see where He is leading.  It prompts me to say, "Here I am Lord, send me.  Place in  me the courage, LORD, to do whatever you have called me to do".

I am prouder than proud of you and your family.

I am at peace when I remember that He is the One you are following.  I'm at peace when I put my trust in HIM with your family and not you or Justin.  :) no offense..

I love you VAUGHAN FAMILY.  I think what you are doing is CRAZY!!!  Crazy to the world...NOT crazy to God.  It's a story straight out of the's God working through messed up people...again no offense :) do HIS work with a messed up world ...and out of all that mess HE brings beauty and love and joy and peace.  He brings glory to His mighty name.

When I focus on Him and the fact that you are recklessly serving Him....I am thankful for you and your family and your dedication and love for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Charlie and Justin were buddies and even roommates before Sha and Justin even got married.  They are big dorks when they are together!!!

Couldn't be prouder of the little sister.  
I love you giant amounts!!!



Romans 12:1-2

The Message (MSG)

Place Your Life Before God

12 1-2 So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.


Shauna said...

Oh Sister… *tears* and a lump in my sore throat! What a crazy blessing the Lord has given us, hasn't He? How would I have ever gotten past giants that arise if God hadn't used YOU to speak so clearly and biblically. Thank you for your bold obedience. Thank you. Thank you for pointing me back to Jesus every.time. Your gift of FAITH flows all over peeps who get close to you and I am ever so thankful I am close. :) I love you.

The McKinnon Crew said...

awwwwww! Love this! We are praying & cheering for you guys, Shauna.....and yes, I'm one of those "peeps" blessed by your sister's overflowing faith!

marlece said...

ditto! I'm with Jenay on this, I am so excited for what the Lord has in store.

Great letter Jenay, and very proud of you Sha....