Lashae loving on some kids....there is tons of pictures of her giving all her attention to one at a time.....
Charlie got some ropes donated and oh what a hit. Those were treasures. And Charlie had fun trying to teach them to rope.

Trying to show Noah how to rope....Noah is a story all in himself....Jim, Charlie claims he IS a black born again Don Anderson....He is a blast!!! And prayer warrior, this guy will stay up all night and pray for you at the drop of a hat.
Trying to show Noah how to rope....Noah is a story all in himself....Jim, Charlie claims he IS a black born again Don Anderson....He is a blast!!! And prayer warrior, this guy will stay up all night and pray for you at the drop of a hat.
Here is the team with the kids and staff from The Redeemer House. The little girl in the red in Charlie's lap is Esther and she has stolen Charlie's heart. He can not say her name without his eyes welling up with tears. She is an orphan and she has many scars inside and out, but Charlie has found a place in his heart for her, and it will be fun to watch what the Lord has in mind for this precious relationship.
Does Lashae look like she was made to do this or what . This girl has never looked happier and more comfortable in her own skin....To say the Lord has a calling on her young life would be an understatement.