Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

I'm Not Talking to the Back of Your Head

If I have heard it once, I have heard it a thousand times, these words come out of Charlie's mouth,

" I won't talk to the back of your head."

He says this when the kids respond to him as they are walking off or walking by.  He says it, if they are in conversation and the kid has lost interest or thinks they are finished talking or getting instruction before Charlie is actually done and the kid begins to walk off. 
 Charlie often threatens to throw something at them in these situations, to get their attention...he says,
 "One day, I'm going to throw something at you, if you are facing me when we are talking, you will see it coming otherwise it's gonna hit you in the back of the head."
*For all those worried....I'm sure this is only a threat, or if he does throw something, it's like a sock or something. * (wink)

I was thinking about prayer and how we hear from God and these words of Charlie's came to my mind.  I felt like the Lord was saying.... I hear you and I'm right here, but I won't talk to the back of your head.

I often throw out my prayers and read my Bible,  looking to get close to God and to hear what He has to say, and then the silence gets awkward or boring and I resort to my phone or move on with my day.

I have been desiring a more powerful prayer life and I've realized it takes daily repentance - turning toward Him - so I can experience more intimacy with my Father.  Often times we think of repentance as a one time thing, or limit it to a confession of sorts. 
 I do think this is part of it, but I think it is just simply facing Him. 
 Giving Him our attention, turning towards Him, and staying turned towards Him, in the good stuff and the bad stuff,  not turning away from Him.

Matthew 3:8 Bear fruit in keeping with repentance.

Maybe part of what Jesus meant when He said these words was telling us to keep turned towards Him,  every single day in every situations.   Speak to Him everyday and letting Him speak to us; not walking off in our own way, which gives Him the back of our head.  When we are turned with the back of our head to Him, we are not turned toward Him, there are only 2 directions in life...facing Him and facing away.  
I think often times...we come to Him, and feel like we get relief or forgiveness, or even instruction and insight, and we say,
And we turn around and walk our own way, and He is saying stay facing me, I'm not done, I have MORE for you.  

Oh I pray that I can stay turned toward Him.  I pray that when I start to walk off, He throws something at a sock (wink).... and gets my attention so I turn towards him and stop turning away.  

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