Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What Is Next, God?

We have been consistently and sometimes urgently been praying about something for over 5 years. 
When I say consistently I mean daily.  It's one of those things that's never far from our minds.

 We have learned to give it over to God and have resigned to just asking Him to lead us and show us what He has for us in this area.  Trust me, when I say, early on, we were not resigned to anything.  We would pray, but our prayers consisted of giving God ideas and options.  He was patient with us, but didn't do any of the things we laid out for Him to do our way, but what He did do, is teach us to trust Him.

We have learned to submit our will  to His, and to honestly given it over to the Lord.  
It didn't happen all at has seriously taken 5 years to get to the point that we are our hearts and on this road.

This week, we should have some answers.  We have been on the same road for 5 years and now  we are coming to a bend in the road.  
Knowing that we are nearing the corner, we have decided to set aside some extra time this week and really focus on praying for whatever is next.  
We have prayed that we will follow His lead and that we will recognize God's voice and direction so we don't go off road.  
We have been "off-road" before and it's just unnecessary roughness.

This week during my time with the Lord on this issue, I have asked for a sneak peak as to what is around this bend for us.  
I have asked for this glimpse into the future before, and He hasn't given it to me, but I figured since we are down to the wire, it wouldn't hurt to ask some more.

He still has not told me, but what He has shown me so clearly this week,  is the road that we have already been on. 
 He keeps showing me the ground we've covered vs. showing me what's ahead.

 It plays like little movie clips in my mind, and the theme is clearly how God has been completely faithful in the last 5 years of praying and seeking the Lord on this issue.

He has not only been faithful; He has been generous.

He has provided abundantly.  He has met every single need and beyond,
He has grown us as a family and as individuals. 
 He has given a bit more wisdom and understanding. 
 We have learned to trust Him more.

Here's the thing that stands out to me as I think about how God has been so faithful in every area of our lives, but especially in this area that we have petitioned  before Him for 5 solid years;

 He has not only been faithful and provided along the way, 
He has been generous 

He has been generous to us in His provision, right in the midst of what looks like a hopeless situation.  He has also been generous to us through others and their generosity toward us.  He has even been so extravagant in His provision that He has allowed us to be generous to others and share everything that He has provided.

So even as we are coming to the corner and we don't know what's around the bend, I know He has brought us to this point and no matter what is around the bend I never want to forget what I have learned along the way, what He has done, and that my God can be completely trusted.  

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Amen! Trust Him. He is faithful!!