Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

One Tough Week

Here at the Brewer Bunch we had a bit of a good and rough week.  Lots of excitement in the air over school and sports...gearing up in high speed.  Charsie started school, and that was a transition for us all..I think it really took a toll on Esther and Reece....Reece is tired of his sisters leaving.  He called Lashae and told her to get in Chaney's truck and come home and go to her room.  I was laughing hysterically and crying at the same time...I could feel his pain, he was soooo serious about it.  Luke started football, which he is LOVING, and Kole is already back in go go go mode.  Everyone had something exciting to be doing except for Esther and Roo.

  Esther is wondering how she fits into all this.  She is feeling a bit insecure, many mornings this week, when she got up, Kole was gone to school or football, Charsie was at school, and Luke was at football.  Charlie worked late many nights, and Charsie was gone to a Cross Country meet out of town and did not get home until 2:30am, and Esther was a bit beside herself.  I think people leaving even when we know they are returning is a tough one for her.  She does not feel secure.

We went to Kole's football game on Friday night in K-Falls as a family and I think that helped a BUNCH!!!  Reece just layed on Charsie like she was a bean bag all the way there and back and Esther was just happy as a little clam, she was having a good time and laughing and excited.  

Whew!!  We made it through THAT week. 

 This week we will be welcoming a new baby into the family and starting school for the rest of the kids, except Reece.  I know school will be awesome for Esther, she loves school and schedules seem to be the best for her (or any kid), Reece on the other hand may be a bit .....ummmmm....left out.  So, Lashae is coming home and going to her room and I think this will make him happy....until she has to leave a few days later, but we will just deal with that when it comes time.:)


marlece said...

yahoooo!!! Go, go, go...I understand Reece though, sometimes I just want everyone to come home and GET IN THEIR ROOM so I know everyone is where they are suppose to be! This week? Craziness with added even more....oh, you'll have that baby in time to pick them up from school and hit the football game.

Lashae Bowen said...

Marlece, I love your comment haha!! and mom I'm ready to come to my room but only if Roo will join me. he is so sweet! :)