A few times I have participated in memorial box Monday..which is something a really awesome bloggy friend has come up with....you write about things that God has done, big or small to remind you that He cares for us...He loves us.....He provides for us.....He is GOOD, and you put it in a post and share it!!!! The blog is http://www.aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com/ and sometimes we can link to her blog and you get to read a whole bunch of different stories from ALL OVER and ALL KINDS of different things that are such wonderful amazing reminders that God is a LIVING God and He is doing amazing things for us ALL THE TIME, from the beginning of time.....right through TODAY!
So my memorial box story is about a little girl in Uganda that we are in the process of adopting. Her name is Esther and she is 9 years old. My husband and my oldest daughter met her and fell in love with her back in May when they were there on a mission trip.
We had several people from our church family that were going to be spending 2 weeks in Uganda doing a medical mission in October. I was soooo excited I couldn't contain myself. We bought a few item for Esther and we wrote letters to her. My biggest excitement was the possibility that my Bible study leader / friend / mentor / AMAZING LADY/ prayer partner, named Bonnie, was going to be in UGANDA near Esther whom I have never gotten to meet face to face. It was more than I could take!!!!
Well, as time got closer it was apparent that Bonnie...the amazing lady....would not be able to see Esther. The team leader had figured that logistically it would not be possible...they were headed to a village that was quite a distance from Esther, and their days were full. I told him that I understood, but he needed to understand I WAS GOING TO PRAYING FOR BONNIE TO MEET ESTHER.
So 4 days before the team was to head home....I had this overwhelming sense that I need to PRAY FOR BONNIE TO MEET ESTHER again. It occurred to me the reason it was soooo important was that Esther needs to meet people from her new CHURCH family, so that when she comes here there is a familiar face. I was in the car alone...so I literally prayed OUT LOUD!!! I said to the Lord this is VERY IMPORTANT to me and to ESTHER.
One hour later....my sister is talking with me on the phone and says that she just saw on faceb**k that the team from our church was going to see ESTHER in 3 days!!!!!
Are you even kidding me?????!!!!!!!!
God answered in a BIG way...the whole team got to meet her and spend some time with her and all the wonderful kids at her orphanage. They spent time with JaJa Kathy...the beautiful lady that is the founder of the orphanage. It was a good encouraging day for many from Africa to the USA!!
I HAVE A PICTURE of Bonnie holding my girl. I'm telling you, that is almost as sweet as getting to hold her myself.
One of the other gals that went on the mission trip came FLYING off the airplane right into her hubby's arms and then into her sweet daughters' arms, and then over to me!!! She gave me a huge hug and said it was from Esther.
Now isn't that just like our God....to answer soooo much bigger than we even ask. Not only did Bonnie get to meet her, but the whole team!!!! They had a meal together, and they gave Esther our gifts!!!!
so sweet, I love this so much! This shows God cares about our desires and that He wants us to ask. He even gave you a prompting to talk to Him 'just one more time' about this so that He could reveal Himself AGAIN to be as amazing as He is!
Oh Yes!! Love this! Praise God who gives good gifts and just loves to leave us in awe of Him!!!!
There was prayer on both sides of the ocean, but I had no idea the whole team would show up! I kept trying to get ahold of DC, but his Uganda phone number was on the SIM card Bonnie was bringing to me. And he kept trying to get ahold of me, but he had my old email address. Those are just minor details to God! He had it planned all along that Bonnie - and the others - would get to meet Esther! I loved seeing her with Bonnie! And I love getting to stand on the sidelines of this story and see how our awesome God is bringing together a sweet (and spunky) orphan girl and her awesome forever family! Best job in the world!
Thank you, Jesus, for showing up and showing us how much you care about the things that matter to us! You are so good!
That is so cool! I love love love reading how our amazing God answers our prayers!
God is so incredibly good! Thank you for the reminder.
Oh my Jenay! Our God is full of surprises and I can only imagine His smile as He planned to answer your prayer. I remember, well, when our travel to China was delayed...when we were adopting our Josie-Tatum. Then, someone I had met, went to her orphanage, held her, and took photos for me. I have chills just remembering. Thanks for sharing!
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