We had such a great week-end. Friday night we went to Kole's football game in Washougal...and WE WON!!!! Also, Marlece and her beautiful family met us there and it was soooo much fun watching football with her, but I did have to restrain her a few times as she was tempted to get out there and cheer with the cheerleaders.

Also, Sydney (our other graduated daughter) met us there and it was sooooo wonderful to see her! Lashae and her NATURALLY wore the same shirt...(not on purpose).... They have just been so close for so long that they think alike.
Also, Sydney (our other graduated daughter) met us there and it was sooooo wonderful to see her! Lashae and her NATURALLY wore the same shirt...(not on purpose).... They have just been so close for so long that they think alike.
We then ALL went up to Marlece's house for a few hours of sleep, a run, a new hair-do, some waxing of the eyebrows, some excellent food...and then at noon off to my nephew Brayden's game....where....yep....HE WON!!!!
And I might add that he is just a bit on the studly side out there on that football field. He never ONCE came off that field. They use that boy for every second of every game.
Charsie is by far his biggest fan.
Then we headed out and had lunch all together.....and my sis and her hubby insisted on treating us to a yummy lunch. THANK YOU!!!!
The best part of the whole frantic time, was the time spent with my sis. She knows more about me and me about her than I'm sure is the legal limit. We have been through childhood....good and bad....marriage...good and bad.....child-birth, post-pardom....good and bad (in that order)....failures, success....bad and good....frustration and celebration TOGETHER. We are total opposites and totally the same...
Our hubby's were best of buds all growing up...so it was much like sisters marrying brothers....we joke that we are sister wives...(as in polygamy), but we each have our own man so that doesn't quite work.
We love like sisters and we fight like sisters. The best part of this whole sister thing is that she is my sister in Christ and we are following Jesus together but in different states in different ways, but following Him and sharing what He is teaching us, and growing up together in Him.
I love you, and LOVE our time spent together. Everything here is so TRUE. You are truely the best ever....let's do it again soon, this weekend perhaps?
You Franke girls always make me miss having a sister! So glad you and Marlece got to spend some sweet sister time together!
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