We are home!!!!! We had a ball....we played and ate....and played....and ate.....and shopped and slept......and had good talks, and we are refreshed!!! I thought I would post a few of the pictures. I had a blast taking a ton of them......
This is how we started our vacation...hmmmmm??? Charlie saw this sign and could NOT resist he did a u-turn right in the road and had me take a picture. We feel as if we've been walking around with a big ole question mark on our heads as of lately...so this picture was appropriate.
Charsie and Luke played and played in the FREEZING water. The water temperature did not phase them one ounce, they played until..."their fingers were not doing what their mind told them too"....this was a quote from Luke.
Yep!!! You are seeing right those are our 5 beautiful children IN OUR BED!!!! Thank God they didn't sleep in there...but they came in the morning and took over. haha..thought it was kinda funny!
Kole dug this HUGE hole that him and Luke got in and then we buried them. We kept Reece at a safe distance...because if he fell on their heads it would have been bad. It was a job digging them out.
We had a great Bible Study time with the kids both mornings...of course it turned into an all out competion....can we do ANYTHING without it turning into a competion...guess not..Charlie gave them some verses to look up so they raced to see who could find them the fastest and they had to figure out the theme he was on...even Reece got involved...he got a gideon Bible from the Hotel, and thought he was right in the action.
ok, I am crying! I need a minute....
Ahhh! I seriously just took a deep breath - the kind you take after a good movie and just feel all warm and fuzzy.
Love all the pics but the one of you and Charlie is the best. That man seriously LOOKS different. Where is the scowl? Where is the weight of the world? Oh!! He gave it to Jesus and is now living life - pressed down and to the full!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures! Awwww I miss you guys! Glad to see Kole finally got a hair cut! haha I especially love the picture of all the kids holding hands facing the ocean. I miss my second family :( I think I can smell your cookies from here and wish I had some with me. I am so glad that you guys had a magnificent time! Love you!
-Your other perfect child
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