This weekend was just a rollercoaster of things and EMOTIONS:
We had a moving sale.....we called it a moving sale to imply there were some big items to sell, and also a step of faith on our part that if we are going to move....we have 1 part done so far. The sale was a good effort, we went through a lot of stuff that needed going through, but the sale was quite disappointing. It was a lot of work. The kids were SUPER. They helped a lot and they worked really hard. There was a lot of set up and tear down. We are so grateful to have a friend who knows a lot of people and he took several of the big items off of our hands to bless others with, so we didn't have to move it back in or store it any longer. So we do have LESS stuff which feels pretty good. We got rid of ALL our baby stuff....and the last time I did that, it was 2 weeks later that I found out I was pregnant with Reece. Hmmmmm........(smile).
My dad had surgery last Wednesday, and things were not going so well, I was pretty scared and upset on Saturday...he has now improved...he still needs prayer, but things are defineately looking up. Saturday things were NOT looking good and I called the sisters a.k.a. prayer warriors and Dad has made much improvement. Whew!!! We don't know what to do with ourselves when he isn't feeling well enough to boss us around. We joke and get frustrated with all his bossing, I mean we are all in our 30's and 40's for heavens sake, but we don't know how to live without's like vegetables...they aren't always the favorite thing, but you just need it in your life.

He needs to do a lot of this...when he gets out of the hospital. A little rest and relaxation is in the orders. Now WE are going to BOSS him. He doesn't take orders very well, but he just may be up for it after this little episode. We have to take advantage while we can!!!
Charlie worked are the results. He is just working working and we are thankful thankful. This guy is amazing the way he can work. I don't know how he does it, but I'm so glad he does.
We went to a going away party of some of our dearest friends' daughter who is off to college...she has grown up with Lashae and it is exciting and sad to watch her leave the nest. Brooklyn is the beautiful blonde in the middle and it was her party. She left on Saturday morning, and Sydney is leaving on Thursday. Oh how I love these girls. I'm so excited for their lives ahead of them and this new chapter, but I miss them already, and I feel for their moms who are feeling that empty place in their nest. It's bittersweet! Mostly sweet, we hate to see them go, but wouldn't have it any other way.
These girls are forever bound to one another. They love eachother and they love the Lord so strongly. They each have a very personal relationship with their Lord and Savior and that is the ONLY thing that REALLY counts. They are so smart and full of life and Love.....take a good look at this picture, because each of these girls is making a HUGE impact on our world. I'm not just saying that because they are "my girls" is the TRUTH!!! These are girls that are changing the world...right where they are, and everywhere they go, they are making a difference. They are lights that are shining EVERYWHERE they go.
Rollercoaster Indeed! Whew, glad His mercies are new every morning. Praying this week will be a blessed week.
[excited for those girls - they are gems...says the auntie of "your girls"!] :)
Praying for Papa! Sorry your sale didn't go over better, but I'm sure it feels good to have some stuff gone. You're right about those girls. They are all going to do big things in this world and it will be exciting to see. BTW...Great party at Walkers! Sounds like Jim was a little blurry eyed Saturday morning! I know I was. Please don't tell me that Charlie got that diry working at our place! Love you all mucho!
whoa, when you list that all like that I wonder when you had time to pee. Lots of goings on and I love all these pictures, I laughed at the one with dad laying back in the chair. I am glad you got a shot of that~ha! Love it all!
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