I have been getting into this whole Memorial Box Monday fun with a blog that I read, and it is a way to remember and share the things that God has done in our lives.
This is a repeated story that I blogged about awhile back, and as I read the Memorial Box Monday story that Linny( the bloggy friend that has started this whole MBM fun) from http://www.aplacecalledsimplicity.blogspot.com/ I just had to repeat it. Her story was of one of her kids being protected by God, and I just couldn't resist but again tell the story of Reece just this last June.......The whole night was just a crazy time and the Lord intervened many times on our behalf....if you are interested in the whole night just click here: http://brewerbunchhappenings.blogspot.com/2010/06/choices.html
The part that I wanted to retell about was that we had taken Reece our 2 1/2 yr. old son to the emergency room because he was having a horrible time breathing. He had just started to get sick that very day, and by bed time he was struggling to take every breath. So at 1030pm and night we headed into Redmond into the emergency room. We spent several hours there and Reece got 2 breathing treatments, and chest x-rays, and was on oxygen. The doctor came in and told us at about 1am that Reece had viral pneumonia and would be needing to be admitted. He left the room to do the paperwork to admit Reece and Charlie and I began to just pray...we were scared....scared for our baby, scared for the bills this would incur....scared for the fact that this must be worse than we thought....and then the Dr. came back and told us we could not be admitted to Redmond Hospital which is where we were and we would need to be TRANSPORTED via ambulance to Bend which is a 30 min. drive to a hospital with a pediatric unit. We expressed deep concern...concern about how much it would cost to transport our guy via ambulance, and WHY...I mean what could happen in that amount of time....of us driving him in our own car to Bend. So, he told us he would agree to let us go on our own if Reece's oxygen levels stayed 91% or higher without oxygen....ugh....it had not been able to stay that high all night. So we just prayed some more....then the nurse came in with all the paperwork to have us get admitted to Bend, and as he was looking at the reading on the oxygen monitor...it was teetering between 89% - 92%...he said he couldn't let us be released unless it was above 91%...it did reach 91% and I quickly took the little monitor off of his little finger. We headed out the door with instructions to head directly to Bend; they were waiting for us there.
We prayed on the way to Bend.....we prayed that when we got to Bend that Reece was better, we prayed that Reece would not have to spend the night in the Hospital, we prayed that we would see God's Hand in this, and that He would heal our babe. So we got to Bend we were admitted to Room 512 on the pediatric floor...this was all very scary!!! So, we tell the nurse...we don't think we need to be here, we prayed for this kid all the way here and he seems better to us...I think she thought we were a bit crazy...but she was EXTREMELY nice. So, she said we will do a good check on him and take all his vitals and consult with the Dr. who is now in charge of his case, and this Dr. had been in communication with the Redmond ER Dr. So the nurse checks him out and his oxygen level was up to 95% with no added oxygen for the last hour.....huh....then she checked his pulse...that had come WAY down from when we left Redmond,....huh...she really spent her time with him and was very thorough so she says that she would agree with us...this kid is better and she would let the Dr. know, and she wouldn't enter anything into the computer yet....so we wouldn't be charged a dime on what had been done so far.
In comes the sweetest Dr. ever....she did a VERY thorough check for herself, and she too agreed Reece was well enough to go home and he had made much improvement from the reports she was getting from Redmond....so, this sweet Dr. personally walked us down to the ER, set us up with a respiratory therapist to show us how to do an inhaler with Reece at home, and gave us some medicine...this process took about 30 minutes and the Dr. just walked us through it all, she told us she was headed home actually, and just wanted to make sure we got everything we needed and were on our way HOME as well. She told us she was not going to charge us for anything that she did................WHAT???? Never heard of that one. So we walk out of the hospital with medicines in hand, baby doing VERY well, and knowing that the Lord had intervened BIG-TIME...on our behalf!!! We pray to a living God who answers prayer...DO I HEAR A BIG AMEN??
AMEN!! :) God is so good! XOXXO
He is so good, I ditto that!!! He works in such amazing ways! Good reminder...love to you Sister!!
From MBM...another AMEN! Praise God for bringing your little guy to a place of health and healing so he could go home.. Love these stories of healing!
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