Romans 12:2

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

BFF Bethy Moore

Ok so my sisters and I have joked for some time that Beth Moore is our BFF. Of course she does not know that, she doesn't even know us, but in my mind it is true, she is my BFF!!! So I went to her simulcast yesterday and just had to share!! It was on "So Long Insecurities" here's some notes:

Insecurity is not a weakness IT IS UNBELIEF. It was all based on Ephesians 4:1 - 5:2. No one is going to force your calling on you NOT EVEN GOD. We need to be careful to NOT use grace as an excuse to just live in our old ways.

S=Saved from hereself - often times our biggest enemy is our own insecurities. Our insecurities cause us to live thinking about ourselves and drawing into ourselves. When we are secure in who we are IN CHRIST, then we live up and out. Looking up to Him and out to others.

E=Entitled to TRUTH. Get to know the TRUTH, and believe truth. He is the get to know Him our Lord and Savior.

C=Clothed with intention. Clothed with strength and dignity. This does not happen naturally, we have to do it on purpose. Make up our MIND and WALK it out in life.

U=Upended by grace. Forgive and give grace as Christ has forgiven us and given grace to us. If you don't forgive and give grace you don't truly believe you are forgiven by God's Grace.

R=Rebounded by love. Ephesians 1&2.You can not out sin His forgiveness. When we know we ARE loved, we LOVE.

E=Exceptional in life. Romans 8:18 "I am sure that what we are suffering now can not compare with the glory that will be shown to us." It's all so worth it!!! Romans 8:28 "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them."

So there ya go....there's what a S-E-C-U-R-E woman is!


Welcome! said...

Thank you for being a blogger!! I NEEEEED more blogs to read. Yours will now be at the top of my morning list. And thank you for taking notes at Bethy. I was simply too busy to be bothered with attending.

marlece said...

good note taking....I love that we were in the same service together but I just didn't get to sit with you, or even be in the same state as you for that matter. Love that!

Shauna said...

OK - I have not heard BFF FOREVER and reading this made me jump up and down - yes, yes, yes - God is NOT going to "make us" - but oh, the deapth and blessing we miss out on! I want to go deaper with my Savior!

Love you Sis!